This is the smaller tree in the front. I think it is some Japanese ornamental tree of some sort. Could be wrong. If you know for sure let me know. It has beautiful flowers on it but no smell.

My mother did not believe me that there is piles of pollen just laying around. This is what I had in the back yard after a little rain shower one day. My van sits under the big tree in the front so this time every year it is yellow. I am not going to bother washing it though cuz it will rain soon enough and then just get dirty some more.

More Pollen

This is a birthday card that I did for a friend of mines mom. I love the way it turned out. I know you can't tell from the picture but I did layering on this one. The white, then maroon, then the circles, then the strip across the front topped with the little square piece with stamping on it.

I saw something a few weeks ago about something called fairy doors. I thought people are crazy but I guess it is kind of a big deal to some. I think they are kind of dumb but people buy these things for something like $30. I got this one at the craft store and then painted it myself. I like the way it looks. Made it for my mother who thinks they are the coolest thing ever but it to cheap to buy one for herself and not crafty enough to paint one.

The boys and I found a nice little park here in town that has a bunch of trails to walk along and a little waterfall. It was a nice time but we all had to potty so it was a very short walk that day. We might go back later this week when they are having a hike about all the wildflowers along the trails. That could be interesting but I don't know if the boys would like it or not. We will see.

And here is the little waterfall. Not nearly as cool as the ones we saw last year in the mountains but Nate still liked it. He is a nature kid through and through even if he is allergic to it all.

Spring Break started today at noon so we will be home the rest of this weekend and then probably Monday maybe Tuesday we will be heading out to the coast. We are planning on visiting the Aquarium and NC Battleship, taking a trip out to see the Shackleford Ponies and see if we can't find some cool shells. We might see some of the wonderful Lighthouses NC has to offer. It depends on how I am feeling since I am the only adult on this trip and I have to do all the driving. So that will be on here next.
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