I feel sorry for those of you still waiting for spring to hit your area. But since I am in NC spring has already started to touch some of our trees. This is the tree in my front yard that I absolutely love. It smells as wonderful as it looks. Well until the flowers start to fall off and it looks like it has snowed again.

I know you can't see it but there is another tree behind this one and it still has not even developed buds on it. However my neighbors have the same tree and it is starting to bloom...so that might not be good for me but we will see later this spring.

I believe this is a Camellia Bush. I am not completely sure, however if you know please let me know. It is by my front door but not for long. I don't like the way it kind of blocks the entrance to the house so I am either going to relocate it or just do away with it. More than likely just do away with it. It seems to be sick or have something eating it, not sure which.

My boys playing with bubbles and other summer toys finally outside and loving wearing short sleeves, feeling the sun and air on their skin, the wind in their hair, well you get the picture.

This is our wild flowers that grow up in our yard every year bloom for about one week and then die away. I guess I could move these to the actual flower bed but I really dislike working outside. Thus would be the reason to just get rid of the Camellia Bush thing rather than move it. Then I can just list it on Craigslist and someone else will come dig it up and move it themselves. We are supposed to reach about 70 today so I should really get the kids together and head to Lowes. But probably not. I would love to plant flowers in the flower bed however since we will be leaving for a while in July, when it is the hottest, they will all be dead by the time we get back home and that would just be a waste of money.
Anyways that is all for now. Love to all!
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