Monday, March 30, 2009

Check this out!!

I signed up for this as a way to teach the boys about other places around the world, languages, etc. I am going to take the post cards to D's school and share them with his classmates. I think this is a great idea. Wish I had found it sooner. I love postcards and have been collecting them for many many years. My grandma started me on them when she would be out traveling around the U.S and would send me a card from every state she stopped in. I am still short a couple of states but not many. Just thought I would share.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What a couple of weeks it has been...

We have definetly had a rough couple of weeks around here. It all started last Monday after D got home from school...The boys were supposed to be watching tv in my room being quiet ( I should have known what a bad idea that was) a little while later they both come out and sit nicely down beside me on the couch looking rather innocent. I was then informed that they had somehow knocked the tv onto the floor. As I calmly, well as calmly as possible, walked into my room I found that my mattresses, both the box and top mattresses, had been pushed off the frame across the room and then hit the tv stand which knocked the tv onto the floor. Now I know they were both in the room at the time but N was not the master mind behind this mess. I cleaned it all up, spanked some boys and sent them to their room for the evening.
The next afternoon when D got home it was nice enough for them to go outside and play finally. I sent them out and continued to do dishes. A while later in they came and I was informed that some of the gutters had fallen off. Sure enough when I went out to inspect the damage a huge chunk of gutters was indeed laying in the middle of the yard instead of being attached to the house and a piece was still hanging on but barely. I can not fix this however because the downspout needs to be reattached to the side of the house and my house is made of brick. That will have to wait for the husband to get home.
I am now thinking that my week can not possibly get any worse...WRONG! A couple of days later N decided that he was going to make waffles for himself. He got the toaster out and toasted them just fine, put them on a plate, thank the Lord, put the plate in the living room on the area rug, he has to watch tv while eating breakfast, and then dumped 3/4 th of a bottle of syrup on them. The plate didn't have a chance. I still have a sticky spot on the carpet.
I guess for some reason N believes that he needs to fend for himself or he will never eat. So I believe it was Tuesday this week that I went to do laundry in the garage and during that 5 minutes N decided that he wanted Peanut Butter, not a sandwich, just the Peanut Butter. So instead of getting a spoon or something he used his hands. When I came in he was laying in his bed and I didn't see anything wrong until I walked by their bathroom. There was PB on the toilet, the mirror, the counter, the soap bottle, the sink...Everywhere! I am just thinking, well at least he tried to clean himself up before he went to lay down. I finished cleaning up the bathroom and then went to check on him and found that he indeed had not gotten himself clean at all. So now the PB is all over his bed and bedding. I got him up cleaned him off. We then went to WMart to pick up a few things. While there he wanted Chocolate milk and some Jello.
When we got home I opened the milk for him and was still in the process of putting away groceries when out comes the dogs from the bedroom and they have milk all over their backs. Down the hall I go to find N spitting mouthfulls of milk on the floor, walls, just about everywhere. I spank that bottom and start to clean up that mess. Throw, not literally, the dogs outside, and the boy in his room. Now I thought that I would be able to go to the bathroom by myself without incident since N had gotten into so much trouble today. WRONG! When I came out the boy was still in his room with his door closed so I go about doing what I needed. When I went to get N so that we could go get his brother from the bus stop...I found he had gotten himself a cup of strawberry Jello and taken it to his room. I guess he didn't like it because he then threw spoonfuls of red staining jello all over his room. Big globs falling down the walls, on the door, all over toys, the carpet, and his bedding. Thank the good Lord again that I had not yet taken it off to wash. The carpet is not in good shape anyways since last year when he tried to help his daddy paint the bedroom with a golf ball. So I am not to terribly worried about the carpet but man what a mess. I am still finding spots on the walls that I missed.
OH also the Maggie, my little dog, she is supposed to be my angel, ate a chunk out of the couch within the last couple of week also. I am so taking a HUGE vacation when the husband gets home!! Just think two more weeks and then it will be spring break time!! A whole 10 days of D not having school. YAY!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring has finally Sprung!!

I feel sorry for those of you still waiting for spring to hit your area. But since I am in NC spring has already started to touch some of our trees. This is the tree in my front yard that I absolutely love. It smells as wonderful as it looks. Well until the flowers start to fall off and it looks like it has snowed again.

I know you can't see it but there is another tree behind this one and it still has not even developed buds on it. However my neighbors have the same tree and it is starting to that might not be good for me but we will see later this spring.
I believe this is a Camellia Bush. I am not completely sure, however if you know please let me know. It is by my front door but not for long. I don't like the way it kind of blocks the entrance to the house so I am either going to relocate it or just do away with it. More than likely just do away with it. It seems to be sick or have something eating it, not sure which.

My boys playing with bubbles and other summer toys finally outside and loving wearing short sleeves, feeling the sun and air on their skin, the wind in their hair, well you get the picture.
This is our wild flowers that grow up in our yard every year bloom for about one week and then die away. I guess I could move these to the actual flower bed but I really dislike working outside. Thus would be the reason to just get rid of the Camellia Bush thing rather than move it. Then I can just list it on Craigslist and someone else will come dig it up and move it themselves. We are supposed to reach about 70 today so I should really get the kids together and head to Lowes. But probably not. I would love to plant flowers in the flower bed however since we will be leaving for a while in July, when it is the hottest, they will all be dead by the time we get back home and that would just be a waste of money.
Anyways that is all for now. Love to all!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Hello Again...

It was recently brought to my attention that I said I would let you all know how the doctors appointment went and had yet to actually do so. I am here now to tell you that D is fine. He probably had some sort of infection but we will take a closer look at his hernia at the next appointment. His tests all came back completely normal and he is still as healthy as a horse.

We are currently trying to plan our spring break vacation. We will be staying close to home since we have two dogs that I really would not like to pay to have someone take care of them. Well that and the only place that we would like to go is TX to see Daddy and it is to expensive to fly with two children and would take around days to drive there. So we are going to the coast. We have been here for about a total of years and have only been to the beach once. Yes I know. So we will be going to Kitty Hawk and the aquariums, lighthouses, and there is a battleship that we saw on Ghost Hunters at one point that we will be touring as well. We will not be going on that trip until the day after Easter though.

N is doing fine. He loves to paint with watercolors so I am trying my hardest to feed that love for art. D hates anything having to do with crafts, art, any of it. So maybe N will be my crafty baby. That would be nice to have someone to share that passion with in this house.

Other than that not much going on...loved having weather that got into the 80's but we are now in rain and cold again. My tree in the front yard has completely bloomed and the little bush by the door has a lot of flowers on it as well so I will be trying to post pictures of that on here soon.

I believe that most of you got to see in one way or another the music video I did of the boys. If not please let me know. I really like hearing the feedback on things like that. Well it is late here and even though N is not going to sleep anytime soon I should still try while he sits and watches tv quietly...yeah right. Love to all!