Monday, February 2, 2009

Winter 'Storm' in North Carolina

Well I know it has been a while and my Aunt Tanis reminded me that some of you do like to read this. I know sob, sob. I believe that I have sent most of you the pictures through We did have a few days off of school due to our winter 'storm'. We only got around 2-3 inches. The boys absolutely loved playing outside even though we were not able to build a snowman.

What you can't tell from this picture is the fact that they flew down the street with their flashers on. I love Carolina drivers!! Also about 2-3 hours after taking this the streets had already melted and were clean and clear but they still cancelled school for the next day. North Carolina only has two snow for the mountain region and one for the rest of us suckers. I am betting that guy was wishing for another job that day.

Other than that not much going on here. Waiting for Andy to graduate and come home. Waiting to see if we are really staying in NC or if I am getting my way and we will be moving to Colorado Springs. Whatever happens, happens though. I am also trying to find the motivation to start working out and losing weight. The boys are doing great. N is working on workbook pages during the day and he loves feeling like he is doing homework. D is having a rough time with his handwriting. His report card was great except for his handwriting. So we are currently working on that. He is also having a rough time with spelling tests but I think most of that is hurrying and his messy handwriting. Well I hope this finds that all of you are healthy and happy.