So this post is mostly about my baby, Nate. He is a handful as most of you know especially from the previous post involving cooking. Friday he made this wonderful looking hat and wore it most of the day. It was a little big though so it was usually a necklace. This would be the inventive side of one of my kids.
This would be the gross...I have no idea what this is and neither can either child that I have asked. The dogs were not in the house at the time and I had just wiped this table down. Your guess is as good as mine...
This would be the rough side...Nate's lip after his older brother got mad and threw a car at his face. It was bleeding and bleeding and he kept crying and crying. It is a little fat but not as bad as I thought it would be at first.
Since he loved trying to cook on his own I decided that maybe I should start having me help in the kitchen whenever possible. Friday night he helped me make Turkey and White Bean Chili from the South Beach Diet. He won't eat it, but he liked dumping in cans of stuff and breaking up the turkey, and of course stirring. Maybe he will be the next Emeril! Well I can dream anyways.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Boys can be so....gross, weird, rough, inventive, etc.
Posted by Lacey at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Boys
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My Life With 2 Boys, 4 Goldfish and 5 Dogs
I only had the extra dogs for only 1 1/2 days but boy am I tired. The boys decided they needed to wash their power wheels the other day.
Nate decided that just washing the power wheels was not enough. So he washed the table and the cement ...
Oh yeah and the house. I mean it was only soap and water but once he washed the tree and the dirt then washing the house was no longer cute.
One of the dogs that we had slept in her cage at night, but during the day it was Nate's cave house. He loved climbing in and out of that thing all day long. Then he was mad that I would not let him sleep in it. Boys are so weird!!
I don't know if you can really tell or not but the door is not locked and he is capable of getting in and out on his own. As much as I might have liked to at times lock him in it, I refrained from doing such things.
Posted by Lacey at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Boys
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Fair
After hours of fighting with my children about cleaning up the house and doing chores I decided to take them to the County Fair. Mostly because today was the demolition derby and I have not been to one of those in a long time, and seeing as they are boys that is something I figured that we would all like to go to. Nate absolutely loved the cars running into each other, probably because that is what he does with cars while playing with them. Drew really didn't care to much he wanted to go and play ping pong in the bowl or whatever carnival game and win something. Just my luck they won 4 goldfish. Throw a ping pong ball into a little glass bowl, now how many people actually win at that game, well my children for one. Then there was another game and they were giving away rabbits, that just was not going to happen. The next game in the row on our way out of the fair was giving away iguanas, yuck! It is such a good thing that I did not let Drew take his own wallet today, we would have came home with each and every type of animal they were giving away. Anyways here are the pictures from our day.
Posted by Lacey at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Curb-Side Shopping
There are two of these cribs but this one only needed the screws. The other one can go together but the side won't slide down because I can't replace those.
One of these tables was missing a bolt. Need paint but would make great kids craft tables since the top is like a dry erase board.
This coffee table needed the leg reattached. One of the drawers is missing a handle so I am just going to replace both. Could stand to be refinished but I don't have that time. I also have another coffee table in my garage that once this stuff is gone I will be working on and an end table that is almost the same style as this one so I might sell them together.
I usually find things that need to be repaired in some way and if that is the case then I sell it to at least get out what I put into fixing that item. Keeping things out of the landfills and hopefully helping someone at the same time!
Posted by Lacey at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Trash picking
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My Newest Creation
This is a paper bag book that I did the last couple of days about Drew. I had a lot of fun with it and thinks that it has turned out pretty good. It definitely shows his personality or personalities in this case. I hope you enjoy. Please let me know what you think. Page one reads...It all started around age 3... My sweet, sometimes crazy boy, all of a sudden ran around the house arresting and shooting everyone. He said he was Sheriff and we were all bad guys! We never got a name but we call him 'Sheriff Bob'!
Page 5...Shortly after 'Sarge' was replaced by a rather young PFC named Johnny. PFC Johnny was very new to military life as he often seen wearing his rank upside down on his hat and carrying his weapon backwards. Oh poor Johnny, hope he never runs into Sarge!Page 7...2004 was a busy year so it wasn't long before PFC Johnny disappeared and out came a Ninja. His name was Scott and he was not a scary kind of Ninja but more cool and laid back. It was nice to have Scott around after all the others.
Page 9...There is not much known about this personality. He was only around a couple of days. He seemed to be a mixture of all the personalities of earlier.
This one was quite a character. The day he appeared he wanted to go said the seven seas and find his buried treasure. I didn't want my baby to get hurt thought as I hoped he was still in there somewhere. ' Captain Jim'
This pirate was not as nice as Captain Jim. He loved to fight others and steal their booty! He was one evil and scary guy! No one dared cross him of he would not hesitate to make you walk the plank! 'Dreadbeard'
The End. Drew absolutely loves this book. I made it about him and so he can read it over and over. Nate wants one now also.
Posted by Lacey at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Boys
Monday, September 15, 2008
Adventures in Raising a Toddler Boy
So after putting Drew on the bus this morning I thought Nate and I would go about our like any other...that was my first mistake. So I fixed some pop-tarts for Nate and turned on the cartoons needed to properly eat breakfast in this house. While he was busy eating and completely oblivious to his surroundings I went to take my shower. Now mind you this has happened, in this exact order, everyday since school started a few weeks ago without incident. Well, not today! After getting out of the shower, not but 3-5 minutes later, I thought that I heard the pizza cutter being ran along something in the kitchen and hurried to finish getting dressed to inspect what was going on. This is what I saw...
Posted by Lacey at 5:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: Boys
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Welcome to Our Blog
Well I finally decided after lots of thought to just go ahead and jump into the blogging craze. Everywhere I look people have a blog. Whether they only have one on Myspace or whatnot. So anyways this blog was made so that I can keep my family updated on things going on with my family. Well mostly with my kids, since that is what they would be interested in. Just Kidding! Also so that I would have a place to share my ideas and my interests with others. I really enjoy crafts of anykind, especially scrapbooking. I would love to learn how to decorate cakes professionally. I also enjoy Curbside Shopping or Trash Picking if you will. The things that people just throw away! It is amazing the amount life left in most items that I find. I am also interested in living a more Green lifestyle. My children are important and any children that they might have so I would like for them to inherit the Earth in a good state not just a bunch of trash and endangered animals. So if you have any questions, comments or would just like to know more about us please feel free to ask.
Posted by Lacey at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Welcome